The Burning Times The Burning Times is a term referring to the witch persecutions in Europe during the late medieval and renaissance periods. According to Wikipedia, it was first coined by feminist Mary Daly in 1978, who depicted the witch-hunts as a persecution against women. However, the "burning times," without captitalization, does, in fact, appear in Gardner's Witchcraft Today, which predates Daly by about 20 years. Whatever the origin, Wiccans and some other Pagans have certainly adopted the term, and today the phrase generally refers to the theory that Christian witch-hunters were, in fact, attempting to root out practitioners of older pagan religions. The stories of Satanic worship was simply a rouse to convince the masses of the necessity of putting these people down or, at best, the result of confusion and miscommunication. The fact that women were targeted almost exclusively is a result (according to the theory) of the fact that these pagan religions held women in much higher esteem, and women were generally considered the caretakers of magical and divine knowledge. Not only is the myth of the Burning Times false, it's disrespectful to the real victims of the witch-persecutions who were, at first, heretics and then were generally Christians unfortunate enough to be swept up in a hysteria that swept half a continent. None of the victims were Wiccan - the religion did not exist at the time. Few, if any, had any knowledge of pagan religion. Worse, Wiccans have taken up such slogans as "Never forget, never again" (originally used by Jews in reference to the Holocaust) and spout hugely exaggerated numbers in an attempt to win the Most Persecuted Group in History Award.
Nine million lives were claimed by the Burning Times This is the heart of the More Persecuted than Thou Syndrome. If nine million of "us" were really killed, that puts us above even the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust. And some people think that gives them permission to approach the rest of the world with a chip on their shoulder, because the world owes them something. It wasn't nine million, it wasn't "us," and even if it was, that is no excuse to behave badly toward those who happen to share a religion (Christianity) with the witch-hunters of four hundred years ago.
Those persecuted were Wiccans (or at least pagans), not worshippers of
the Devil. I'm always astounded by the number of people who can't seem to comprehend that those persecuted could have been neither. We are willing to claim that pagans were being wrongly accused of worshipping Satan, but we can't accept that it was simply Christians who were being wrongly accused of worshipping Satan. The witch-trials didn't begin until more than a millennia after the founding of Christianity. If the Church found these supposed pagans to be such a threat, they sure took their time in dealing with them. Indeed, the major trial period did not occur until centuries after Europe had been Christianized. The trials have their origins in the persecution of heresy that mostly just got way out of control, in large part because of the destabilization Europe was suffering at the time. The Hundred Years War was killing people by the thousands, as was the Black Death. People needed a scapegoat, and that scapegoat became the mythical witch. Moreover, while religion was a factor, it was not about paganism. Catholics were accusing Protestants and Protestants were accusing Catholics. Where conflict between these two groups was more severe, witch-trials were likewise more severe. Conversely, in areas where things were more stable, especially on the religious front, the witch-hunts were far less hysterical. The strongly Catholic Spain, for example, had one of the smallest witch-hunts in western Europe.
The persecutions targeted women. And on a final historical note, stop talking about those poor witches burned at Salem. No one was burned at Salem. One was pressed to death; the rest were hanged.