Author Archives: Cassie Beyer

Continuing Anger Over Silver Ravenwolf

Few writers in the neopagan community are as controversial as Silver Ravenwolf.  She remains a popular writer, particularly, I suspect, among teens.  But she also brings out a great amount of frustration and anger in many other pagans who find her works shallow, dishonest, bigoted, and outright wrong. Can’t we simply agree to disagree?  Yes, […]

Wicca and Satanism

I always hate answering this question because, at this point, the majority of people know Wicca clearly isn’t Satanism.  They don’t even consider the question.  However, it still comes up enough to merit mention here. There is nothing slightly Satanic about Wicca.  Wiccans don’t even believe in Satan or other inherently evil entity. Good and […]

Is Wicca a Cult?

The word cult has a variety of meanings. The Longman Dictionary’s first definition of the word is simply “Formal religious veneration; worship.” In that sense, Wicca is a cult, as is Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and ever other religion on this planet. Cult can also be used to designate an “unorthodox” practice, but that determination […]

History of Wicca

  Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner in Britain.  We commonly give 1954 as the founding year because this is when Gardner published Witchcraft Today, his first non-fiction book on the subject. Some date it as early as 1939, the year Gardner claimed to have been introduced to the faith.  Often, it’s just easier to […]

Wiccan Basics

The term Wicca today encompasses a wide range of beliefs, but, like  other religions, Wicca has central foundational points shared by most self-identifying Wiccans. In general, Wicca: Is polytheistic, acknowledging the existence of multiple deities. Focuses upon dedication to a pair of patron deities, a god and a goddess. Is a modern religion developed in […]

Is This a Real Religion?

The United States does not determine what is or is not a religion, much less what counts as “real.” However, this country has recognized Wicca as a serious organization for several decades: it has been included in the military chaplains’ handbook since 1975. In addition: Hundreds of Wiccan covens and other Wiccan organizations have gained […]