The Five Points of
Wiccan Belief
as laid out by Universal Eclectic Wicca
This specific form, the "Five Point of Wiccan Belief", is
particular to UEW. However, the points contained within are issues held
in belief by nearly anyone calling themself Wiccan, even if they phrase
them differently.
- The
Wiccan Rede - An it harm none, do as ye will
The Law of Return
- Also known as the Threefold Law
- The Ethic of Self-Responsibility
- We, and only we, are responsible for our own actions.
- The Ethic of Constant
Improvement - The desire to improve the world around us, guided in part
by the Law of Return.
- The Ethic of Attunement
- Divinity is within us and around us, and becoming in-tune with this
power is a major facet of Wicca.