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   Triple Goddess
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Wiccan Rede
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Magic and Spellcasting
The Circle
The Pentagram
Book of Shadows
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Wheel of the Year

Craft Names

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Myth and History
Why Bad History Matters
Myth of Matriarchy
The Really Old Religion
   Murray's Unlikely Theory
Power of Pagan Women
The Christian Church
The Burning Times
The Real History of Wicca
Wiccans, Witches,
Pagans and Magicians

What is a Fluffy Bunny?

The Charge of the Dark Goddess (alternate version)
by Lynne O'Connor

The Dark Goddess speaks to us,
through the mouths of Lilith, Kali, Tiamet, Hekate,
Nix, the Black Madonna, Nemesis and Morgaine..
I am the Darkness behind and beneath the shadows..
I am the absence of air that awaits at the bottom of every breath..
I am the Ending before Life begins again,
the Decay that fertilizes the Living..
I am the Bottomless Pit,
the never-ending struggle to reclaim that which is denied..
I am the Key that unlocks every Door..
I am the Glory of Discovery,
for I am that which is hidden, secluded and forbidden
Come to me at the Dark Moon and see that which can not be seen,
face the terror that is yours alone..
Swim to me through the blackest oceans
to the center of your greatest fears--
the Dark God and I will keep you safe..
Scream to us in terror, and yours will be the Power to Forbear..
Think of me when you feel pleasure, and I will intensify it, until the time when I may have the greatest pleasure
of meeting you at the Crossroads Between the Worlds.

© Catherine Noble Beyer, 2002 - 2011   *     Awards