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What is a Fluffy Bunny?

The Law
by Scott Cunningham, Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, 1993

This is one of the most mis-represented pieces I know of, portrayed on many websites as ancient and immutable wisdom and commandment. In fact, this list was created as an example of laws a new coven might draw up. Cunningham was never one for teaching doctrine, believing we should find our own paths.

  1. We are of the Old Ways, among those who walk with the Goddess and God and receive Their love.
  2. Keep the Sabbats and Esbats to the best of your abilities, for to do otherwise is to lessen your connection with the Goddess and God.
  3. Harm none. This, the oldest law, is not open to interpretation or change.
  4. Shed not blood in ritual; the Goddess and God need not blood to be duly worshipped.
  5. Those of our ways are kind to all creatures, for hurtful thoughts are quite draining and aren't worth the loss of energy. Misery is self-created; so, too, is joy, so create joy and disdain misery and unhappiness. And this is within your power. So harm not.
  6. Teach only what you know, to the best of your ability, to those students who you choose, but teach not to those who would use your instructions for destruction or
    control. Also, teach not to boost pride, forever remember: She who teaches out of love shall be enfolded in the arms of the Goddess and God.
  7. Ever remember that is you would be of our way, keep the law close to your heart, for it is the nature of the Wicca to keep
    the law.
  8. If ever the need arises, any law may be changed or discarded, and new laws written to replace them, so long as the new
    laws don't break the oldest law of all: Harm None.
  9. Blessings of the God and Goddess on us all.

© Catherine Noble Beyer, 2002 - 2011   *     Awards