Wicca 101 - Misconceptions
How old is Wicca?
Approximately 50 years. The first book on it was published in 1954 (Witchcraft
Today) , although the author claims to have been practicing since
are the Burning Times?
The Burning Times refers
a mythical time when the Christian Church hunted and executed pagans on
a wide-scale, most notably during the witch-trials. The simple fact is
that by the time Christianity had enough pull to do such a thing, the
pagan religions were already dead. Some people still protest the Burning
Times as having been an attack of women, which is a ridiculously simplified
view of the witch-craze.
Note that stating
that the Burning Times did not happen does not mean that the witch-hunts
did not happen. They did, but they were hunting who the Christians by
and large thought were actually cavorting with the Devil and murdering
people with magic. What they were not hunting was pagans. [more]
Wicca Celtic?
No. Wicca has been influenced by a number of ancient soceities, the
Celts included, but Wicca is a thoroughly modern phenomena.
I'm not even sure
where this misconception comes from. The Major Sabbats
are based on Celtic holidays, but the minor Sabbats are largely Norse.
The Celtic god Cernunnos is a prominent figure, but so is the Roman Diana.
It is true that many
other elements of Wicca are called Celtic, but these claims are
largely in error. For instance, there are claims that our dualistic God
and Goddess are Celtic, but this simply isn't true. Neither are the four
elements - I believe those originate in Greco-Roman thought. Why we attribute
so much of Wicca to the Celts continues to elude me.
were there matriarchal societies?
Never. That's just feminists getting their panties in a bunch.
Wicca really have prehistoric roots?
Not to any useful degree. The usual argument points out that prehistoric
man worshipped nature (supposition) and we worship nature (an exaggeration),
so we have the right to declare ourselves the world's oldest religion.
Any knowledge of the beliefs of prehistoric man in spurious to say the
least, because so little evidence remains. You could say with just as
much authority (that is to say, none at all) that prehistoric man recognised
a greater power and Christianity recognizes a greater power, therefore
they must be one in the same. [more]
is the Old Religion?
This is the mythical religion of ancient pagans that supposedly survived
in secret up to the present day. First of all, there was no one religion
of ancient pagans. Second, it didn't survive. Based on the works of authors
such as Margaret Murray, Gardner declared
Wicca to be the modern face of the Old Religion. In light of the overwhelming
evidence to the contrary, continuing to make such claims is ignorant at
best. [more]